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Inside Higher Ed

Higher Ed's Hiring Woes

Higher education is “struggling to hire and retain employees.”

Hiring challenges in a time affected by the pandemic mostly come from increased competition, leaving for better pay, high work demands, and rigid hiring policies. Furthermore, employees run into the problem of working from home compared to coming to work. Those who can be just as productive at home do not necessarily want to be present at the workplace. Compensation is also a big reason why many schools are failing to attract applications. However, schools are reluctant to raise salaries to combat this issue. In the past, jobs in higher education boasted “job security, mission, work-life balance, perks, and student energy.” In a new, especially post-pandemic era, these selling points may no longer be relevant. People are looking for changes that will help them have a smooth working experience, so colleges must “listen to employees’ needs— then act.”

Source: Inside Higher Ed